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| Sea Crystal Pools, 200 Blydenburgh Rd Ste-4, Islandia, NY 11749 631-234-7023 * 631-234-7025 (fax)
Did You Know... |
13 Dog Breeds That Love The Water:
Schipperke * Labrador Retriever
* Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
* Spanish Water Dog
* Irish Water Spaniel
* Newfoundland
* Irish Setter
* English Setter
* Standard Poodle
* Golden Retriever
* Portuguese Water Dog
* American Water Spaniel
* Chesapeake Bay Retriever
The "Most" Injury-Free Sport:
The buoyancy factor makes swimming the most injury-free sport there is. Water exercises benefit seniors, pregnant women, arthritis sufferers, or anyone with an injury.
Heart Health & Swimming:
Ones resting heart rate decreases 10 beats per minute in water, and maximum heart rate decreases by 10 to 30 beats. The heart puts out just as much blood as in other exercises because it pumps more volume with each stroke, but more slowly.
Swimming Meditation:
By combining meditation with swimming, swimming meditation works synergistically and enhances the significant health benefits of both swimming and meditation.
Swimming & Stress Reduction:
As with most aerobic exercise it is believed to reduce the harmful effects of stress.
The Most Injury-Free Sport:
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Sea Crystal Pools Inc. "Simply The Best" designers, builders and renovators of residential & commercial swimming pools, waterfalls, fountains, spas, and swimming pool water features.