30 Years Serving
"All Long Island"
BBB A+ Rating!
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"Photo Galleries"
Award Winners
Caves & Grottos
Mosaic Designs
Standard Pool Shapes
State Of the Art
Waterfalls & spas
Water Features
"Fun Stuff""
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| Sea Crystal Pools, 200 Blydenburgh Rd Ste-4, Islandia, NY 11749 631-234-7023 * 631-234-7025 (fax)
As principals of the company Jim Vitelli & Dave Kocis pride themselves in, and are committed to, bringing you 'Simply the Best' product, workmanship and customer service.
Jim and Dave both started in the pool business, at very young ages, by installing & servicing swimming pools for other pool companies.
They did this for many years, before accepting management positiions, in order to learn and hone the skills they would someday need to manage their own companies.
They knew having their own company was the long-term goal, since working for others did not always allow them the freedom to maintain the level of integrity necessary to their self-esteem.
As fate would have it, they wound up working for the same pool company and, as time passed, realized they had the same personal & work ethics (while having complimenting differences, fortes and interests). This synergy was the perfect thing needed to lead them to the decision that "the time had come to open their own company!"...
All Projects Supervised by Principals!
(Jim Vitelli & Dave Kocis)
Sea Crystal Pools, Inc. has become a thriving business providing jobs for like-minded people that have become long-time employees. Some employees have been part of the Sea Crystal Pools, Inc. team from the beginning, because they can maintain their integrity while providing for their families. Sea Crystal Pools has been able to provide beautiful, unique, state-of-the-art swimming pools and service they can be proud of. Ultimately giving them happy customers that have remained loyal over the many years!
Licensed, Insured & Certified:
- Teledyne Laars/Jandy
"Certified Technicians"
- Suffolk County Consumer Affairs
LIC# 36633-HI
- Nassau County Consumer Affairs
LIC# H280295-0000
- Town of Islip
LIC# SP-124
- Town of Southampton
LIC# 001366-0
- Town of East Hampton
LIC# 6369-2008
- Better Business Bureau
Farmingdale, NY BACK TO TOP
Sea Crystal Pools Inc. "Simply The Best" designers, builders and renovators of residential & commercial swimming pools, waterfalls, fountains, spas, and swimming pool water features.